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Breaking the cycle of poverty


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Help Us To Build a Nasio Library For All

Nasio as a charity provides support through education to children from the age of three but without a library, children have no access to books they can read for pleasure to help stretch their imagination and inspire them!

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Your Organisation Can Sponsor Our Global Storybook Project

The Nasio Trust ‘Global storybook Project’ builds on the success of a remarkable collaboration between St. Swithun’s Primary school in Kennington, Oxford, and Mumias school in Western Kenya. Together, these schools created an anthology of short stories titled, Cosmic cats, which features contributions from 25 students from both Kennington and Mumias. The book, published on World Book Day 2024, has been a resounding success. With its striking cover designed by renowned illustrator Korky Paul, Cosmic Cats has already sold over 150 copies. The project obtained significant attention, including coverage on the BBC.

We’re seeking companies and organisations to sponsor the project and make our storybooks a reality so we can continue to raise funds for our Library appeal.

We are now thrilled to extend this opportunity to other schools in Oxfordshire. By developing the Nasio Trusts’ ‘Global Storybook Project’, we invite students to collaborate with one of our partner schools in Kenya in a unique and creative journey. Together, students will write short stories on a shared theme, with their work coming together to form a published anthology that celebrates cultural diversity, creativity, and empowers the voices of students from both the UK and Kenya.

All proceeds from the sales of these books will go towards our Library Appeal.

Why Support the Global Storybook Project?

The first library and resource centre in Mumias will:

  • Provide books to promote a love for reading.
  • Provide online learning resources
  • Serve as a safe meeting and inspiring environment for children and the community.

How Does Sponsorship Work?

Gold Sponsor (£1,000+):

  • Covers design, printing, and promotional costs.
  • Features your logo prominently on the book’s cover and inside pages.
  • Includes a full-page advertisement in the book.
  • Highlights your contribution across promotional materials, our website, and social media.

Silver Sponsor (£500+):

  • Contributes to printing and distribution costs.
  • Features your logo prominently in the book’s acknowledgements.
  • Includes mentions in promotional materials and social media.

Bronze Sponsor (£250+):

  • Helps cover printing and distribution of the storybook.
  • Features your logo in the book’s acknowledgements.
  • Recognises your contribution on social media.

All sponsors receive a certificate of appreciation and a copy of the storybook.

Why Build a Resource Centre in Mumias?

The Nasio Trust is empowering children and communities by building a library and resource centre in Mumias.

This vital space will:

  • Spark creativity and imagination through books and educational tools.
  • Equip children with essential skills for a brighter future.
  • Inspire a love for reading and lifelong learning.
  • The centre will provide resources and opportunities to foster growth and development, breaking the cycle of poverty through education.

Join Us in Changing Lives for Good!

Become a sponsor and bring learning to life in Mumias.

Progress So Far:

  • Raised: £16,000
  • Goal: Raise additional £10,000 to complete and equip the resource Centre.

Contact us now to get involved.

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"They have paid my fees in school. They house me and they provide everything I need."
Moses (The orphan that started it all)

From the blog...

Building Climate Resilience Using Household-Level Data

The Nasio Trust has been working with rural communities in Western Kenya for over twenty-years.

For the past six years, we have supported small-scale farmers to make the best use of their small parcels of land so that they can become food secure. While our efforts and interventions have empowered farmers to increase their crop yields, pay for their children’s school fees, and meet most of their nutritional requirements, the impact of climate change is wreaking havoc on rural economies.

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Kennington and Musanda: A Unique Twinning to Build Bridges Across Continents

The Nasio Trust, in collaboration with the Kennington community, is embarking on an exciting and meaningful journey to twin two vibrant communities: Musanda in Western Kenya and Kennington in the UK.

This historic partnership will foster cultural exchange, strengthen global connections, and create invaluable learning opportunities for both communities.

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The Nasio Trust Annual Report 2023

We’re pleased to present our annual report for 2023. Find out what Nasio achieved and celebrate with us. Download your online version by clicking here now.

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