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Working With Schools – Global Youth Education Project

Global Youth Education Project

The Global Youth Education Project is an innovative cross-continental initiative that brings together schools from Kenya, the United States, and the United Kingdom in a collaborative effort to address pressing global issues. Our pilot programme invites students to collaborate on projects that not only address global issues but also promote rich cross-cultural dialogues.

Through this unique partnership, participants gain valuable insights and broaden their perspectives, learning to view global issues through multiple lenses. This experience empowers students to think critically and creatively, enriching their understanding of how their own backgrounds influence their views on the world.

As we look to the future, the Global Youth Education Project aims to expand its reach, welcoming new schools from additional countries and continents. By forging these connections, we aspire to build a global community of young thinkers ready to engage with and influence the world around them.

If you would like to join us in this project as we inspire the next generation to embrace diversity, then get in contact.

We are working in collaboration with the Emerging leaders Programme:

The Emerging Leaders Programme empowers South Bronx scholars from historically disenfranchised communities to attain fulfilling and life-sustaining careers through professional skills and development, trusted relationships with professionals, and career exposure in order for them to access economic mobility and to create a new generation of professional leaders.

UK Participating schools

US participating Schools

Kenya Participating schools (The Kenyan participants for this project are six beneficiaries of The Nasio Trust)


"The Nasio Trust has helped me possess what I never had. I pray to God that he may bless our sponsors abundantly for their good heart. I thank The Nasio Trust for their great determination."
Douglas Osore (supported by Nasio)

From the blog...

Building Climate Resilience Using Household-Level Data

The Nasio Trust has been working with rural communities in Western Kenya for over twenty-years.

For the past six years, we have supported small-scale farmers to make the best use of their small parcels of land so that they can become food secure. While our efforts and interventions have empowered farmers to increase their crop yields, pay for their children’s school fees, and meet most of their nutritional requirements, the impact of climate change is wreaking havoc on rural economies.

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Kennington and Musanda: A Unique Twinning to Build Bridges Across Continents

The Nasio Trust, in collaboration with the Kennington community, is embarking on an exciting and meaningful journey to twin two vibrant communities: Musanda in Western Kenya and Kennington in the UK.

This historic partnership will foster cultural exchange, strengthen global connections, and create invaluable learning opportunities for both communities.

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The Nasio Trust Annual Report 2023

We’re pleased to present our annual report for 2023. Find out what Nasio achieved and celebrate with us. Download your online version by clicking here now.

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