Alex’s Story – 6 Weeks In Kenya
September 2015
Trying to describe the 6 weeks I spent in Kenya to people when I came home was actually very difficult without having a good 3 hours to spare. Not only was it the most incredible 6 weeks I have had in my life, but also it taught me many life lessons.
Kenya gave me such a rush, it was the feeling of getting up in the morning not knowing where the day could end up, and the chance to see something completely out of the ordinary.
From elation, sadness, delight and relief, these were just some of the emotions that I went through on my trip. I was able to experience Kenya and the trip made me realize how fortunate I am and as well as giving me the opportunity to see and do many things I never thought I would get the chance to do, and for this I have to give all thanks to the charity. Personally, Kenya gave me such a rush, it was the feeling of getting up in the morning not knowing where the day could end up, and the chance to see something completely out of the ordinary. There were some days that had me close to tears due to witnessing the harsh reality these communities are faced with. However, there were certainly more days than not that I would describe as one of the best days of my life.
If I had to tell you what the best part of the charity is its simple, for me it’s the best part about Kenya, it was the best part about my trip and it was certainly what made me the happiest every day I spent with the charity, the children. I found that what little they have they cherish, and with the ambition and dedication they have been given from The Nasio Trust, they are only going to succeed. Not only were they happy, friendly and polite but the more time you spent with them the bigger the connection you would have and the more you wanted to get to know all about them. The Nasio Trust, in my eyes, gives people of all ages, ethnicities and nationalities a chance to come together and change things for good and for me I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
With the ambition and dedication they have been given from The Nasio Trust, they are only going to succeed
I can’t thank the staff of the Nasio Trust enough for making the trip possible but also helping me to get fantastic experiences out of my time there. There are too many individuals to mention but without all of them working together a lot of my trip wouldn’t have even been possible. Being able to film and photograph many places and events that I had never experienced before was really compelling. I have always loved both film and photography but wanted to be able to help a charity as well as come away with something of a portfolio. The fact the charity has embraced this and enlightened me into what they are all about I have made a wonderful connection with them and for that I thank you. I hope that the photography and videos can be used to help the charity more forward as they are certainly a lovely memory of the time I have had.
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This story is listed in: About Nasio, Fund-raiser stories, Projects, Volunteer Stories