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Breaking the cycle of poverty

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Donate with Paypal

If you prefer to use PayPal to make a one off or regular donation, you can click on the button below.

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Donate From Your Bank

The Nasio Trust are pleased to accept donations by either Bank Transfer (BACS), Standing Order or by post as a cheque.

Here’s how to do it:

Bank Transfer
Using your bank’s online services, mobile app, or in branch; set up a payment to the following details.

  • Account The Nasio Trust
  • Bank Lloyds Bank
  • Sort Code 30-10-04
  • Account No 01074758
  • Reference – Please include a few short word that helps us to know what the donation was for e.g. “MedCentreAppeal” or “GeneralDonation”

Standing Order
This is pretty much the same as a bank transfer, but takes place on a regular basis (often monthly). Using your bank’s online services, mobile app, or in branch; set up a regular payment or standing order using the following details.

  • Account The Nasio Trust
  • Bank Lloyds Bank
  • Sort Code 30-10-04
  • Account No 01074758
  • Reference – Please include a few short word that helps us to know what the donation was for e.g. “FundAWidow” or “GeneralDonation”

Please make cheques payable to “The Nasio Trust” and write a reference on the back so that we know what you would like your donation to fund, then send them to:

The Nasio Trust
15 The Chambers
OX14 3FE

If you have any questions abot how to make your donation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.



"I’m really grateful to the Nasio Trust programme because it is really changing lives for good. The Nasio Trust has really changed this community and really changed my life..."
Eunice (supported for 6 years – now volunteering for Nasio)

From the blog...

Building Climate Resilience Using Household-Level Data

The Nasio Trust has been working with rural communities in Western Kenya for over twenty-years.

For the past six years, we have supported small-scale farmers to make the best use of their small parcels of land so that they can become food secure. While our efforts and interventions have empowered farmers to increase their crop yields, pay for their children’s school fees, and meet most of their nutritional requirements, the impact of climate change is wreaking havoc on rural economies.

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Kennington and Musanda: A Unique Twinning to Build Bridges Across Continents

The Nasio Trust, in collaboration with the Kennington community, is embarking on an exciting and meaningful journey to twin two vibrant communities: Musanda in Western Kenya and Kennington in the UK.

This historic partnership will foster cultural exchange, strengthen global connections, and create invaluable learning opportunities for both communities.

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The Nasio Trust Annual Report 2023

We’re pleased to present our annual report for 2023. Find out what Nasio achieved and celebrate with us. Download your online version by clicking here now.

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