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Privacy Policy & GDPR Statement


This page explains our privacy policies to our supporters and other website visitors. It’s designed to be written in plain English and easily understood, however should you have any questions or concerns regarding this page, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How we use your personal data

We may ask you for information in order to register you for events or adventures you are undertaking (such as Kilimanjaro Climbs or Volunteering Visits) in order to offer you the best possible experience, and so that we have necessary medical details needed to look after you in case of emergency.

As part of your registration we may ask you if we can use your contact details to keep you up to date with Nasio news & events, or we may ask if you are comfortable having those details shared with other people that will be travelling with you on your adventures so you can connect up before during and after your trip.

We will always seek permission from you clearly and transparently when we make these requests and we will never assume permission is given.

Providing your personal data to others

We only use the information you give us within the confines of the Nasio Trust systems and processes. Beyond that; your data will never be shared with, or sold on to, any other non-essential parties ever.

International transfers of your personal data

Should you be travelling with us to Africa, there are certain legal reasons why we may need to share your information with our insurers or with local authorities. This is limited to legally required information only. If you’d like to know more please get in touch.

Retaining and deleting personal data

Should you ever wish to have your personal data removed from our systems, simply contact us or call on +44 (0) 1235 611200 and we’ll remove you immediately.


We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time without notice in order to better protect your personal data, and to comply with all legal regulations.

Your rights

By law you have the right to request copies of all data we may hold about you. Should you wish to act on this right you can contact us any time and we’ll respond as quickly as possible.

About cookies

A cookie is a small piece of information stored in your web browser which allows a website to display customised information to you.

Cookies that we use

The Nasio Trust makes use of a limited number of simple cookies to detect how often, and how recently you have visited our website(s) using your current browser.

These cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

Cookies used by our service providers

The Nasio Trust operates a not for profit account with Google Ad Services and in some cases they may use cookies to monitor the success of paid advertising campaigns, and improve your browsing experience.

You can find out more about how Google protects your privacy here.

Managing cookies

If you would like to see what cookies are stored for a website you can click here for a guide.

If you would like to block cookies completely you can find a guide here.

Who’s speaking?

This page has been created and maintained by:

The Nasio Trust
15 The Chambers
OX14 3FE

And it covers all goods and services rendered by The Nasio Trust (UK Reg Charity Number 1104542) and the following websites that it administers:

Data protection officer

In accordance with the new regulations, The Nasio Trust have appointed Mr. Keith Budgen to be our data protection officer.

Should you have any questions or queries regarding our privacy policy, Keith will be very pleased to answer them for you. You can email him any time at

Contact Us
"I’m really grateful to the Nasio Trust programme because it is really changing lives for good. The Nasio Trust has really changed this community and really changed my life..."
Eunice (supported for 6 years – now volunteering for Nasio)

From the blog...

Publishing in Africa at the London Book Fair By Katie Isbester

In further support of the Nasio Trust’s Library appeal, Katie Isbester talks about her recent trip to the London Book Fair and a fortuitous discovery!

I didn’t mean to go to the talk. There were some 30,000 people at the London Book Fair and I was supposed to meet at least a few of them. Instead I found myself going to a talk on publishing in Africa because of Nasio Trust. I knew it was trying to build a library, the first of its kind in Western Kenya, and I was rather curious.

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Nasio’s Medical Centre Nominated for an Award

We are pleased to share that Nasio’s GMK Medical Centre was nominated for the award of Primary Care Provider of the Year at the Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards, 2024.

It was nominated from among 48,000 healthcare providers and was among the top 11 nominees.

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Our 2024 Nasio Newsletter Has Arrived

Hot off the press – you can read our 2024 Nasio Newsletter.

All the latest Nasio news, information and acheivements.

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