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COVID-19 Response Appeal

The official number of cases of COVID-19 in Kenya is now at 25.

As more and more African countries confirm the outbreak of the coronavirus, Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Health, Mutahi Kagwe has announced that all international flights will be suspended with effect from midnight tonight (2100 GMT), Wednesday 25th March. Nancy, our CEO, is remaining in Kenya and continues to coordinate Nasio Trust’s response on the ground as the region tightens preparations.

We have been informed that a bishop who had just come back from Rome, who conducted a funeral and a mass about 10 KM from our Musanda medical centre, has tested positive for COVID-19 and is now in quarantine.

Our hospital in Musanda is increasing is readiness for Coronavirus cases.

Update on actions taken:

  • Most Nasio departments have been temporarily closed, apart from the essential ones at this time, including: medical, spirulina and the feeding programme for 20 vulnerable children
  • We have donated washing facilities, containers, T-shirts and awareness leaflets to town centres and shops for community leaders to continue the public campaigns and hand washing exercises and have moved our staff back to our hospital in Musanda
  • We are transporting key Nasio staff with our vehicles to limit their contact with the public from public transport
  • We have created rotas for key workers to work in shifts ensuring they clean and disinfect surfaces when they finish their shift to limit risk of contamination
  • Temperature and triage checks have been introduced at all our gates, schools, guest house and the medical centre
  • We have obtained country ambulance details to call in case of any emergency cases for a quick medical response for referrals
  • Staff are being kept informed real-time via a sensitisation staff group on WhatsApp
  • One of the nurses has composed and recorded an awareness song. Our van has been going round all the towns with speakers telling people what to do in case they feel sick and the song played for awareness
  • We have created a helpline number and publicised this for the public to text if they suspect they have symptoms and our medical team will then call
  • Hand sanitization campaigns have been running across five stations and now we are analysing the data on behalf of the Ministry of Health
  • Our guest house has been closed keep the staff safe
  • Our medical team continue training staff and Community Health Workers
  • We have an incredible team they have kept the spirits high. Thank you to each and every one of our hard-working team.
  • Most importantly we are praying and we ask you to join with us in prayer for health and protection for our communities at this time.
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"I had no hope of being educated but now have the chance to access education, food, clothing and medication. I will work hard and dream to become a builder, to construct homes for people who don’t have shelter."
Saidi Makokha (aged 9 – supported by Nasio)

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