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The Turing Scheme Could Fund Your Nasio Volunteering Experience
June 2023

The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s programme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world. It replaced the Erasmus+ scheme and now supports Global Britain by providing an opportunity for UK organisations from the higher education, further education, vocational education and training and school sectors to offer their students, learners and pupils life-changing experiences to study or work abroad.  

For more than a decade, we’ve run volunteer and internship programmes to Kenya with schools, clubs and universities working in partnership with Oxford, Cambridge and Birmingham universities on summer internships. We have been credited with Oxford University Gold Standard for internships over the past 5 years. We use this experience to run bespoke volunteer/internship group trips. Every group is different and, therefore, every trip is tailored. We want participants to get the most out of their trip and experience while having the greatest impact on their development. Feedback from all our volunteers is outstanding and for many the experience has been life-changing and has influenced their career choices.

Your education or training establishment can apply for Turing Scheme funding to visit The Nasio Trust in Kenya and take part in one of our projects that supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals or study at a local Kenyan school. Funding will allow overseas opportunities to become a possibility for everyone, no matter their background or income and develop participants to become culturally aware, confident and adaptable.

Need some inspiration for a potential project? Since Covid-19, we have worked with the communities in western Kenya on improving hygiene and sanitation under the WASH programme. This includes the construction of pit latrines and running outreach clinics to eradicate jiggers’ infections, the effects of which are debilitating and trap children in poverty.

Applications for funding is expected to open in February 2024 until April 2024, to be used for the following school year. If you would like help with the application or any more information, please contact

This story is listed in: Volunteer Stories

"They have paid my fees in school. They house me and they provide everything I need."
Moses (The orphan that started it all)

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