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Breaking the cycle of poverty


4×4 Kenyan Safari & Real Africa Experience 2017

Rajab is one of the children who has directly benefited from the work that The Nasio Trust does. He has now decided to give something back by volunteering himself! Here’s an update…

“Hi I’m Rajab!

It’s my pleasure to share with you my experience and many other things that I have gained from Nasio Trust.We recently went for a medical camp to a certain village.Most sick people turned up and the largest population was of school children which was around three hundred.

Our medical staff is efficient in providing quick and satisfactory service which was able to attract the huge population. Most school children mainly came to be treated on jiggers and skin diseases.After the
treatment, they were given shoes to wear to prevent further infection. In addition they were provided with basic education on health and hygiene.While in the activity we saw a young girl who
had come for treatment ,The girl had dandruff all over her head and also swollen hands.The mother claimed that she had tried to treat the girl using the local herbs due to inadequate capital to refer her to a public hospital.The girl was provided with treatment services and given medicine to use while at home. The family was grateful and thanked the organization very much for reaching out to them.

The family was grateful and thanked the organization very much for reaching out to them.

The activity was joyful and we enjoyed doing it. We even have plans of doing more to other different places, since this is one of our co-value as the organization.

We also managed to go and visit one of our own and that’s Fadhil. He was previously done a heart operation and so recently he went for a check up in the hospital after he had returned from school. The main reason for us visiting our brother Fadhil was to give him a word of encouragement and motivation. ‘We understand your situation but that should not stop you from achieving your goals ‘Those were words from Jacob (social worker ). Interestingly Fadhil was open enough with us and shared some of the challenges that he undergoes at school and we were able to show him how to peacefully cope up with the challenges.At the end of it all, he was very very happy and felt that there are people who always care about him.

We also managed to visit an old man by the name Barasa. He is very joyful and social.The moment we stepped at his door he thanked us for building him a house.


Barasa is married and blessed with three children whom are both supported by Nasio Trust. What I actually learned from Barasa is that despite of his situation he is always happy and cheerful.

All in all, I love the Nasio trust kids.You will never know some of the challenges they undergo till you get down into their homes.They always put smile on their faces a sign of appreciating the kind of life they are living and are looking forward to do even greater things in life.

in life you need to always appreciate any small thing you have and work toward achieving greater things

As I conclude,I would wish to thank the Nasio Trust Family for enabling us to have an experience in the real life situation from different degree. Actually I have came to realize one thing from my few weeks of volunteering, I have learn that in life you need to always appreciate any small thing you have and work toward achieving greater things. .And if you are unable to do greater things then do small things in a greater way.

Thank you very much.


"I’m really grateful to the Nasio Trust programme because it is really changing lives for good. The Nasio Trust has really changed this community and really changed my life..."
Eunice (supported for 6 years – now volunteering for Nasio)

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