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Breaking the cycle of poverty


Publishing in Africa at the London Book Fair By Katie Isbester

In further support of the Nasio Trust’s Library appeal, Katie Isbester talks about her recent trip to the London Book Fair and a fortuitous discovery!

I didn’t mean to go to the talk. There were some 30,000 people at the London Book Fair and I was supposed to meet at least a few of them. Instead I found myself going to a talk on publishing in Africa because of Nasio Trust. I knew it was trying to build a library, the first of its kind in Western Kenya, and I was rather curious.

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Visit to one of Nasio’s projects – The Porridge Kitchen

We were lucky enough on our recent visit to Nasio’s projects to be involved in the new support group for mums with malnourished babies or very young children.

The Porridge Kitchen had recently evolved so that the group had decided to meet at a different home each week.

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“Cosmic Cats” Children’s Stories Being Sold in Aid of Our Library Appeal

Cosmic cats is a remarkable anthology that unites children’s stories from Kennington, Oxfordshire, and Mumias, West Africa.

This extraordinary book showcases a collection of short stories centred around the theme of ‘cats’, crafted by young authors from both villages in Kenya and the UK.

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Nasio Recognised As Gold Standard Internship Host By Oxford University For 2023

The Nasio Trust is recognised again for an excellent internship experience!

As many of you may already be aware, we regularly invite interns from Oxford University to come and spend a few weeks with us at The Nasio Trust.

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The Value of Libraries by Katie Isbester

In support of our ‘Library Appeal’, Katie Isbester discusses the importance of libraries in our communities.

Every community, every family and every person needs a place to belong. We all need a building where we feel safe and comfortable. However, we need space for growth. Libraries provide this space to learn, assemble thoughts, and find where we individually belong in a world that often feels vast. In her blog The Value of Libraries, Katie Isbester delves into why 94% of Britain feels libraries are essential.

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Oxford Green Fair

This year’s Green Fair was the 42nd year the Oxfordshire Green Party ran their annual event Green Fair 2023.

Nasio were invited as an Oxfordshire based charity.

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Katie Isbester Discusses Positive Effects of Reading At An Early Age

Confessions of a Female Publisher by Katie Isbester

Books are essential for broadening our intellectual horizons, but access to these books is found primarily in libraries, a precious resource that is often taken for granted. In her article ‘Confessions of a Female Publisher’, Katie Isbester delves into the positive effects of reading at an early age and the inspiration it provided.

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Riziki’s Story | The Power Of Peer Education

We’re proud to announce that Riziki will be receiving ourYouth of The Month Award for her incredible work in peer education.

Riziki was a beneficiary of The Nasio Trust and now works with us in the community to educate young people on reproductive health and HIV prevention. Find out more about Riziki and the power of peer education in this great video.

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Educating Girls: The International Day of Education 2022

On the International Day of Education 2022, we would like to draw attention to the importance of girls’ education. When girls are provided with the access to education they deserve, the world benefits- poverty drops, opportunities arise and communities strengthen.

According to Unicef, 129 million girls are out of education globally. Poverty is the largest barrier to education. Families in rural areas of Kenya, where secondary school enrolment is fewer than the already low 53% national average, often want the best for their children but lack the financial means to support their education.

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Exceptional Students Programme Launch

The Launch of Our Exceptional Students Programme

It is our hope that with the right mentorship, school and environment, these exceptional students can achieve their full potential and develop into future leaders.

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