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Matt gears up for Kenyan fundraiser
August 2015

A Shirebrook man is planning a trip to Kenya to build a hospital and donate four Land Rovers which can be used as ambulances by local medics.

Matt Stimpson (32) of Carnation Road, will be joining work colleagues on the trip, which is set to take place later this year.

The expedition has been organised through the Nasio Trust – an international charity which runs day-care centres in western Kenya providing orphaned children with a daily meal, education, medical care and support.

And to get his fundraiser off to a flying start, Matt will be running a stall at Shirebrook Academy Fun Day on Saturday in a bid to raise donations for the project.

Due to a history of corruption in Kenya, the Nasio Trust operates a policy of only accepting physical items and voluntary work from people who want to get involved.

So the team plan to buy a total of four Land Rovers in the UK then have them shipped to Mombasa.

The team will then fly in and collect the vehicles and drive them to Mumias in west Kenya, where they will then spend three weeks building the medical centre, Matt said.

He told Chad: “I’m a real family man so I’ve always resisted doing anything like this.

“But my workmate Richard Channer has been going out there for a few years and he has been saying I should go and do it, so in the end I agreed.

“But it’s a big thing – leaving your family for the best part of a month and going off to build a hospital.”

“But it’s a big thing – leaving your family for the best part of a month and going off to build a hospital.”

The Shirebrook Academy Fun Day runs from 11am to 3pm on Saturday 5th July.

There are also plans for a music night to raise cash for the project.

Matt would like to hear from residents who would like to contribute towards the purchase and refit of the Land Rovers, as well as local companies who could volunteer expertise. Call him on 07913 635054.

Content originally available via

This story is listed in: About Nasio, Achievements, Child Stories, Fund-raiser stories, Projects

"The Nasio Trust has transformed children from nothing to something. Those who were shelter-less now have shelter, those who were not going to school are now going to school."
Farida (Social worker)

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