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Breaking the cycle of poverty


Eunice’s Story

My name is Eunice Juma and am 23 years old. I come from a small village called Buchirinya in Mumias Town.

I am a total orphan after the death of both my parents.My childhood wasn’t a good one because I had to be relocated every now and then to different relatives which means I had to change schools too that affected me in one way or the other but the good part of it is that I went through education despite all the challenges.

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Katie Isbester Discusses Positive Effects of Reading At An Early Age

Confessions of a Female Publisher by Katie Isbester

Books are essential for broadening our intellectual horizons, but access to these books is found primarily in libraries, a precious resource that is often taken for granted. In her article ‘Confessions of a Female Publisher’, Katie Isbester delves into the positive effects of reading at an early age and the inspiration it provided.

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Libraries Give People Their Voices by Katie Isbester

In 1979 there was a revolution in Nicaragua. I pitched up there in 1984, young and dumb, wide-eyed and curious.

In the intervening years, the new government had created a literacy campaign with the literate teaching basic literacy to others. The Literacy Campaign was so successful that UNESCO awarded Nicaragua with a prize.

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Riziki’s Story | The Power Of Peer Education

We’re proud to announce that Riziki will be receiving ourYouth of The Month Award for her incredible work in peer education.

Riziki was a beneficiary of The Nasio Trust and now works with us in the community to educate young people on reproductive health and HIV prevention. Find out more about Riziki and the power of peer education in this great video.

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Nancy Receives An Honorary Degree

We’re pleased to announce that our founder and CEO Nancy Hunt has been awarded an honorary degree by the University of Reading in recognition for the work of The Nasio Trust.

She'll be awarded “Doctor of Letters” in recognition of her work in the charity over the past 20 years.

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Educating Girls: The International Day of Education 2022

On the International Day of Education 2022, we would like to draw attention to the importance of girls’ education. When girls are provided with the access to education they deserve, the world benefits- poverty drops, opportunities arise and communities strengthen.

According to Unicef, 129 million girls are out of education globally. Poverty is the largest barrier to education. Families in rural areas of Kenya, where secondary school enrolment is fewer than the already low 53% national average, often want the best for their children but lack the financial means to support their education.

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Our Tailoring Projects Goes From Strength To Strength

You might recall the amazing Izzie who started our tailoring project back in 2019!

We're pleased to advice that the project is thriving.

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Mary can now read the messages on her phone!

Mary Mushi is among the 42 current Nasio adult learners, and now has the ability to articulate sounds, read and write.

She comes from Ebwasi village in Kenya, and being able to read and write has changed her life for good.

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Case Study: Salome Atera

Salome is a 52-year-old mother of 14 children but sadly 9 have passed away.

When she joined the adult class, she was unable to read or write, but through gritty determination and hard work, she has learnt to hold a pen and can now write her name and sign documents with clarity and understanding and can read simple English sentences.

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Sylvia’s Story

My name is Sylvia Omurunga and I am 24 years old, a second born in a family of three siblings.

My parents divorced when I was 9 months old and my mother took me back with her to her parents home. I was brought up at my maternal grandparents. My mother died in 2014 when I was 16 years old. After my mother’s death we were left alone and we had to manage ourselves in a child headed family alongside my sibling and cousins for one year before the family members brought in one of my elder cousins to take care of us.

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