Muslim Farmers Project
November 2023
Case Studies
Medina Rajab
Medina Rajab is a Muslim farmer from Ichinga village, she benefited from the Nasio Trust Muslim farming project where she received maize seeds, fertilizer, and vegetable seeds. She managed to harvest 2 bag of maize which she stored for consumption.
Medina planted the vegetable seeds using organic manure and in a period of 3 months she hasn’t spent any penny for vegetable purchase.
She uses the vegetables entirely for consumption having a household size of 5.
Vegetable production has improved her family’s health by increasing the number of meals per day. Previously, her family used to have a single meal a day but after harvesting the vegetables, she manages 2 meals a day due to availability of enough vegetables.
Medina is planning to scale up the vegetable project by planting on a large size of land which will enable her to generate income from the sale of surplus vegetables. She aims at attaining stability through planting different varieties of vegetables and the use of organic manure in vegetable production.
Medina is grateful for the project, and she is hopeful that Nasio Trust working in partnership with Albatha foundation will continue supporting her to attain sustainability.
Hadija Awali
Hadija Awali is a Muslim farmer from Ekama village. She benefited from vegetable seeds (cowpeas, amaranthus and black night shade) donated to the Muslim farmers with an aim of improving health in the community. Hadija is grateful for the vegetable seeds since she planted thus enabling her to have enough supplies for consumption.
Consumption of vegetables has imroved Hadija’s family health because since the beginning of consumption, it has reduced the number of hospital visits by her family members. She has acknowledged the importance of consuming different varieties of vegetables. Previously, Hadija use to visit the hospital due to illness and since the beginning of consumption, she has visited the hospital only once in three months.
Vegetable production has also enabled Hadija to afford 3 meals a day from the income earned from the sales.
She gets approximately 300/- weekly from the sale of the surplus vegetables.
Hadija is planning to purchase more seeds from the income generated to ensure her family don’t run short of vegetable supply.
Hadija is grateful for the project initiated by Nasio Trust and is hopeful of being part of future projects initiated by The Nasio trust.
This story is listed in: Achievements, Projects, Success Stories, Uncategorized