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Breaking the cycle of poverty


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Livingstone’s Story

On the 4th of November, around 8PM his stomach began to bloat and his condition deteriorated again quickly.

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New Vehicle Donated!
June 2017

Every now and again we experience an act of such incredible generosity from our supporters that we have to shout about it!

An amazing donor (who has asked to remain anonymous) has donated a vehicle to the social work team in Kenya.

Appropriate vehicles are a lifeline in the remote rural communities in which we work. This new one will allow us to make visits to families in hard-to-access locations and be more effective as a team. Most importantly we can use it to carry the sick to hospital in emergencies; something that has quite literally saved lives in the past.

This vehicle will allow us to carry the sick to hospital and distribute food for familes in need. Thank you!

All we can say is thank you! We are truly blessed.

We know not everyone can donate a vehicle, but every penny counts towards breaking the cycle of poverty in Western Kenya. Please donate any amount you can and we’ll make sure it reaches the people who really need it.

This story is listed in: Achievements, Fund-raiser stories, Press

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"The Nasio Trust has transformed children from nothing to something. Those who were shelter-less now have shelter, those who were not going to school are now going to school."
Farida (Social worker)

From the blog...

The Nasio Trust Annual Report 2023

We’re pleased to present our annual report for 2023. Find out what Nasio achieved and celebrate with us. Download your online version by clicking here now.

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Publishing in Africa at the London Book Fair By Katie Isbester

In further support of the Nasio Trust’s Library appeal, Katie Isbester talks about her recent trip to the London Book Fair and a fortuitous discovery!

I didn’t mean to go to the talk. There were some 30,000 people at the London Book Fair and I was supposed to meet at least a few of them. Instead I found myself going to a talk on publishing in Africa because of Nasio Trust. I knew it was trying to build a library, the first of its kind in Western Kenya, and I was rather curious.

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Nasio’s Medical Centre Nominated for an Award

We are pleased to share that Nasio’s GMK Medical Centre was nominated for the award of Primary Care Provider of the Year at the Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards, 2024.

It was nominated from among 48,000 healthcare providers and was among the top 11 nominees.

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