The Nasio Trust’s 2022 Achievements
March 2023
At the start of each new year, we look back and take a moment to celebrate the things you have helped us to achieve over the last year.
We’ve produced a simple infographic illustrating some of the highlights. Click here to download it now.
For a full rundown of our 2022 in numbers – see below!
- 19,613 Patients treated at the medical centre
- 502 Babies delivered
- 2,075 National hospital insurance fund enrolments for vulnerable families
- 4,079 vaccinations administered
Community & Volunteering
- 48 Fundraising event attendees
- 7 Kilimanjaro climbers
- 12 Interns
- 42 Student volunteers
Education & Child Welfare
- 331 Children’s education sponsored
- 25 Grade A students enrolled on Exceptional Students programme
- 43 Adults attending literacy and numeracy lessons
- 50 Teen packs distributed to adolescents
- 3,700 Students trained in SRH
- 1,500 Home visits made
- 600 Farmers supported
- 62 Hens donated
- 129 Kitchen gardens started
- 6,720 Litres of dairy milk produced for our children
- 672 Trees and seedlings planted
- 52.8kg Of spirulina produced
Without the help of supporters like you none of this would have been possible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
This story is listed in: About Nasio, Achievements, Success Stories