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Breaking the cycle of poverty


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The Nasio Trust’s 2017 Annual Report

Check out our annual report and find out about everything that took place in the world of Nasio.

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2018 Celebrating A Wonderful Year – Top Ten Highlights
January 2019

2018 was a fantastic year for the Nasio Trust! We celebrated so many achievements marking more steady progress towards breaking the cycle of poverty in Kenya and beyond.

There are so many things we could list, but here are our top-ten highlights…

  • Our first orphan graduated from university with a teaching degree (Japheth – pictured on this page!).
  • 400 students received school uniforms.
  • 20 Nasio Trust guardians completed adult education.
  • We built 4 houses for families.
  • 360 reusable sanitary towels were distributed.
  • We treated more than 700 people with jiggers.
  • 8,740 patients were treated at the Nasio Medical Centre.
  • 65 malnourished children were regularaly given Spirulina to strengthen their immune systems.
  • 226 babies safely delivered – also at the Nasio Medical Centre.
  • Over 400 children supported at our Early Childhood Development Centres.

We’re already planning the ways we can make 2019 even more successful, and with the support of amazing people like you, we’re certain it will be. Thank you.

From all of us here at Nasio to all of you and your families, we wish you a happy, healthy and enjoyable New Year.

This story is listed in: About Nasio, Achievements

"I had no hope of being educated but now have the chance to access education, food, clothing and medication. I will work hard and dream to become a builder, to construct homes for people who don’t have shelter."
Saidi Makokha (aged 9 – supported by Nasio)

From the blog...

Publishing in Africa at the London Book Fair By Katie Isbester

In further support of the Nasio Trust’s Library appeal, Katie Isbester talks about her recent trip to the London Book Fair and a fortuitous discovery!

I didn’t mean to go to the talk. There were some 30,000 people at the London Book Fair and I was supposed to meet at least a few of them. Instead I found myself going to a talk on publishing in Africa because of Nasio Trust. I knew it was trying to build a library, the first of its kind in Western Kenya, and I was rather curious.

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Nasio’s Medical Centre Nominated for an Award

We are pleased to share that Nasio’s GMK Medical Centre was nominated for the award of Primary Care Provider of the Year at the Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards, 2024.

It was nominated from among 48,000 healthcare providers and was among the top 11 nominees.

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Our 2024 Nasio Newsletter Has Arrived

Hot off the press – you can read our 2024 Nasio Newsletter.

All the latest Nasio news, information and acheivements.

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