Nasio Supported Brother & Sister Both Decide To Go Into Medicine
October 2021
Rajab’s sister joins medical college.
You may remember in May we featured one of Nasio’s first supported children, Rajab, who is now a clinical officer working at our medical centre. I am now delighted to tell you that his younger sister, Amidah Makokha, has joined the Kenya Medical Training College, to start her certificate in Health Records Information Technology. She was inspired by her volunteer work and by her brother Rajab.
Amidah (pictured next to Rajab here), who is a total orphan, has been volunteering at our Medical Centre since finishing school last year.
Education is a crucial step in helping to break the cycle of poverty in Kenya. It’s due to the amazing support that we receive from people like you that we are able to provide our vulnerable children with the opportunities that education brings. Thank you!
Our medical centre in Musanda has saved many lives and inspired our supported children like Rajab and Amidah to follow a medical career. That’s why we are expanding ourmedical facility, to try and impact more young people and to save many more lives
Please help us to transform the lives of many more vulnerable children by supporting our recently launched 20th Anniversary appeal to raise funds to expand our medical centre – find out more here.
This story is listed in: Achievements, Child Stories, Education, Success Stories